Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Parasite temping

I finished a temp gig a week ago, and I feel like I am back at square one. This is week two of job hunting again. I'm really wondering about the wisdom of temping. While I have been in three different positions in the months after my layoff, my peers who were laid off at the same time as I have landed full time gigs.

In my last two temp gigs I wasn't referred to by my name but as 'the temp' most of the time. Being seen as disposable in a workforce where people are holding on by their fingernails is less than comforting. I found myself getting dangerously disillusioned in my last position

In the past temp gigs were not only a quick pay check but also a good way to get a foot in the door of a field I wouldn't typically consider. I've met great folks temping. But months later, and no full time job, and bills piling up I'm really wondering if this is best use of my time. Perhaps the worst part of temping is that it feels like a parasite. The work tends to pays just little enough to slowly drain my savings, so that now I need the temp work to stay a float.

So I'm starting all over again, this time with a couple job interviews under my belt, - we'll chock those up to practice- a bit more experience, and a lot more flexibility to take a position I wouldn't typically consider for a pay check and health insurance.


  1. That's frustrating, Meg. I've also found that I've gotten most of my gigs from references or networking, but again, those are usually brief jobs, and I always have chunks of time off in between. What would you want? (Ideally, and if you settled?) I'm looking for the next thing right now, too, so I'll send anything promising your way.

  2. Oooh, I guess what I mean is, most of us I know of also don't have full-time jobs, per se — we are doing similarly temporary work, over and over again. Perhaps it depends on how you define it. Would you want to work at home? Do your own thing? Le sigh. The bills are the tough part.
